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Pep Guardiola 6/4 To Quit As Manager After Manchester City 115 FFP Charges Have Reached A Verdict


The verdict on Manchester City’s 115 alleged breaches of FFP rumbles on with Everton and Nottingham Forest already suffering points deductions. Traders believe a points decuction is inevitable while manager Pep Guardiola is 6/4 toleave after the verdict. 

Manchester City Possible FFP Hearing Outcomes

  • Manchester City are 1/5 to receive a points deduction in the Premier League next season
  • Pep Guardiola to leave City following the verdict has been priced at 6/4
  • The Cityzens 8/11 to be given bigger points deuctions than Everton & Nottingham Forrest
  • Reigning Premier Legue champions unlikely to be expelled from competition at 20/1

Manchester City Hearing Odds

Verdict expected to be heard latter half of 2024/25 season

  • To receive a points deduction: 1/5
  • To receive a Champions League ban: 2/5
  • To receive over 10.5 points deduction: 8/11
  • To receive under 10.5 points deduction: 11/10
  • Pep Guardiola to leave due to verdict: 6/4
  • To receive a fine alone: 4/1
  • To lose any retrospective title: 10/1
  • To be relegated following deduction: 16/1
  • To receive no punishment at all: 20/1
  • To be expelled from the Premier League: 20/1

What Punishment Will Man City Get For FFP Charges?

Everton received a ten point deduction for their charge however following an appeal they got the deduction reduced to just six points, while Nottingham Forest saw four points taken away this week. Manchester City are 8/11 to receive more than a 10 point deduction, while under 11 points has been priced at 10/11. 

Although nobody knows yet how many points City will have taken off them, it seems that they are certain to face some sort of punishment with our exclusive odds pricing any points deduction at a very short 1/5.

City are in the hunt for back to back Champions League titles this season but even if they secure consecutive successes they are unlikely to be involved in next year’s competition following their punishment. Manchester City to be banned from the Champions League next season is just 2/5 with our exclusive odds.

At slightly longer odds City are 10/1 to have one of their Premier League titles stripped from them, with wins from between 2009 and 2018 at risk of being taken away.

Manchester City could lose up to FOUR Premier League titles depending on how large the points deduction is – but in any scenario the club are likely to appeal this decision.

Pep Guardiola has led his side to more success than the club could have ever imagined when the Spaniard signed in 2016, but the manager is 6/4 to jump ship away from Manchester following the FFP verdict.

The outsider with our exclusive odds is for City to receive no punishment at all from the Premier League for their breaches at 20/1, which while highly unlikely is still very possible.

While there is no official date yet for Manchester City’ FFP hearing, the Premier League has confirmed that it will take place later this year at some point.

When Is Manchester City’s FFP Hearing?

With both Everton and Nottingham Forest receiving points deductions this season for breaching the Premier League’s FFP rules, many fans have been wondering when Manchester City’s own punishment will finally be decided.

City have allegedly breached 115 financial fair play rules in the Premier League, which is why the judgement process has taken so long compared to Everton and Nottingham Forest who were found in breach of just one.

There was unconfirmed reports that City’s hearing date would come at some point in Autumn this year but it now seems likely the Premier League will delay this again.

With City accused of breaching so many charges there is no telling how long it will take for the league to decide on a punishment, but we can be hopeful of a verdict by the end of this year.

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Olly Taliku has worked with highly respected sports and gambling websites where he has produced hundreds of articles, as well as being published with Burton Albion and Chesterfield FC. At Burton Olly worked closely alongside the women's team, producing mainly matchday content including reports and interviews, while at Chesterfield he worked in a similar role but with the academy side, as well as some first team content. He also has experience as an accredited Premier League and EFL writer for Prost International where he worked during the 2021/22 season to produce matchday content as an on location reporter. Olly specialises in football as well as long form SEO content plus news, tips and betting but also produces content on basketball, baseball and American football.